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DA Rates Table 2025: Dearness Relief for Pensioners

The year 2025 marks the final year for the Dearness Allowance (DA) rates established by the 7th Pay Commission. Following December 2025, a new 8th Central Pay Commission will be introduced, and the revised DA rates will take effect from January 2026.

DA and DR Rates Table 2025

All India State Government Employees DA Rates Table 2025: The 2025 DA Rates Table for State Government Employees in India: This table presents the Dearness Allowance (DA) rates that apply to state government staff throughout the country for the year 2025. For a detailed and current overview of these rates, visit our website,

Dearness Allowance, often shortened to DA, and sometimes called DNS Allowance among other variations, refers to the financial support provided by the government to its employees, pensioners, and their families. This allowance aims to mitigate the effects of inflation on living costs, ensuring that the purchasing power of recipients remains stable over time. It plays a vital role in the overall remuneration package for public sector workers, serving as a mechanism to adjust salaries and benefits in response to fluctuations in the cost of living.

What is Dearness Pay – Understanding Its Meaning and Importance

Dearness Pay and Dearness Allowance are not the same, despite common misconceptions. While Dearness Allowance is typically associated with various sectors, Dearness Pay is specifically designed for government employees. Its primary function is to cover the interval between the scheduled implementation of a salary increase and when that increase actually takes effect. Essentially, Dearness Pay serves as a protective cushion, addressing delays in salary adjustments and ensuring that workers receive appropriate compensation for their efforts.

Dearness Allowance | Definition and Explanation

The Dearness Allowance is a supplementary financial benefit granted to employees and pensioners of both central and state governments, intended to alleviate the effects of inflation on their earnings and pensions. This allowance is regularly revised according to the cost of living index, safeguarding the purchasing power of government staff and retirees against increasing prices. It plays a vital role in the overall compensation structure for government workers, acting as a safeguard for their quality of life during economic shifts.

Dearness Allowance Table Overview

TopicDA Rates Table 2025
Controlled ByCentral Government
BeneficiariesCentral, State Govt Employees & Pensioners
FormulaAs per the 7th Pay Commission
DA & DR ApplicableState Govt Concerned
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DA Rates Table for State Govt Employees

Andhra Pradesh DA Table 2025View
Arunachal Pradesh DA Table 2025View
Assam DA Rates Table 2025View
Bihar DA Rates Table 2025View
Chhattisgarh DA Rates Table 2025View
Goa DA Rates Table 2025View
Gujarat DA Rates Table 2025View
Haryana DA Rates Table 2025View
Himachal Pradesh DA Table 2025View
Jharkhand DA Table 2025View
Karnataka DA Rates Table 2025View
Kerala DA Rates Table 2025View
Maharashtra DA Rates Table 2025View
Madhya Pradesh DA Table 2025View
Manipur DA Table 2025View
Meghalaya DA Table 2025View
Mizoram DA Table 2025View
Nagaland DA Table 2025View
Odisha DA Table 2025View
Punjab DA Table 2025View
Rajasthan DA Rates Table 2025View
Sikkim DA Table 2025View
Tamil Nadu DA Rates Table 2025View
Tripura DA Table 2025View
Telangana DA Table 2025View
Uttar Pradesh DA Table 2025View
Uttarakhand DA Table 2025View
West Bengal DA Table 2025View
Chandigarh DA Rates Table 2025View
Delhi DA Table 2025View
Jammu & Kashmir DA Table 2025View
Puducherry DA Table 2025View

7th Pay Commission DA Table 2016 to 2025

The following table presents the Dearness Allowance (D.A.) Rates for the 5th CPC, 6th CPC, and 7th CPC spanning the periods of 1996 to 2005, 2006 to 2015, and 2016 to 2025, respectively.

 DA Period2016 to 20252006 to 20151996 to 2005
July 2025 – – –
January 2025 – – –
July 202454% (Expected) – –
January 202450% – –
July 202346%230%427%
January 202342%221%412%
July 202238%212%396%
January 202234%203%381%
July 202131%196%368%
July 202128%189%356%
January 202117% (28%)164%312%
July 202017% (24%)164%312%
January 202017% (21%)164%312%
July 201917%164%312%
January 201912%154%295%
July 20189%148%284%
January 20187%142%274%
July 20175%139%268%
January 20174%136%264%
July 20162%132%255%
January 20160125%245%
July 2015 119%234%
January 2015 113%223%
July 2014 107%212%
January 2014 100%195%
July 2013 90%183%
January 2013 80%166%
July 2012 72%151%
January 2012 65%139%
July 2011 58%127%
January 2011 51%115%
July 2010 45%103%
January 2010 35%87%
July 2009 27%73%
January 2009 22%64%
July 2008 16%57%
January 2008 12%47%
July 2007 9%41%
January 2007 6%35%
July 2006 2%29%
January 2006 024%
July 2005  21%
January 2005  17%
July 2004  14%
April 2004  11%
January 2004  61%
July 2003  59%
January 2003  55%
July 2002  52%
January 2002  49%
July 2001  45%
January 2001  43%
July 2000  41%
January 2000  38%
July 1999  37%
January 1999  32%
July 1998  22%
January 1998  16%
July 1997  13%
January 1997  8%
July 1996  4%
January 1996  0

Revision of Allowance Rates & DA Increased to 50% – CGDA Order 10.4.2024

Following the guidance provided by the 7th Pay Commission and its acceptance by the Government of India, it has been determined that when the Dearness Allowance (DA) exceeds 50%, certain allowances must also be adjusted. Yet, the use of terms like “exceeds” has caused some misunderstanding among central government employees, as the DA has merely reached the 50% level without actually going beyond it.

This misunderstanding has lingered for over a month. In response, the Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA) released a clear message on April 10, 2024, referencing a communication from the Government of India’s Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, dated March 20, 2004. This communication aimed to clarify the points made in earlier official documents. The Department of Expenditure reiterated that the guidelines for adjusting allowance rates should correspond with the increased DA rate of 50%, effective from January 1, 2024.

Therefore, it is crucial to swiftly modify these allowance rates in line with the updated DA rate to adhere to established regulations.

HRA Increase after 50% DA – No Separate Order Required

Concerns have been voiced by government employees regarding the potential issuance of an order to raise the House Rent Allowance (HRA) once the Dearness Allowance (DA) hits the 50% mark. The Department of Expenditure has confirmed that there is no requirement for a distinct order to facilitate the HRA adjustment when DA reaches either 25% or 50%. According to the 2017 guidelines from the Department of Expenditure, the HRA should be modified in accordance with increases in DA.

DA for Govt Employees: Admissible in Residential Training Programmes

When it comes to government-sponsored training programs for residential purposes, employees are eligible for a daily allowance. Government officials sent for training within India can claim both travel and daily allowances. If the training lasts for 180 days or less and the officer’s pay hasn’t been adjusted to account for training costs, they will receive travel allowances similar to those on official tours.

Specifically, a full daily allowance is provided for up to 180 days, but only in situations where accommodation and meals are not supplied. For the initial 30 days, employees are entitled to the full daily allowance, thereafter receiving half the daily allowance for the subsequent 150 days if lodging and meals are provided.